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strengths and weaknesses of ethics of care

Kittay observes that in practice some women have been able to leave behind traditional care-giving roles only because other women have filled them, but she resists the essentialist association between women and care by speaking of dependency workers and dependency relations. 6. Other ways that Kantianism is thought to benefit care ethics is by serving as a supplementary check to caring practice, (denouncing caring relations that use others as mere means), and by providing a rhetorical vehicle for establishing care as a right. And, it might be true for President Obama. Engster similarly argues that the human obligation to care for non-human animals is limited by the degree to which non-human animals are dependent upon humans (Engster, 2006). As it currently stands, care ethicists agree that women are positioned differently than men in relation to caring practices, but there is no clear consensus about the best way to theorize sex and gender in care ethics. However, an obligation to care for animals is established when humans make them dependent by providing food or shelter. Sometimes weaknesses in a person overlap with each other. Act Utilitarianism Strength. They offer Auto, Home, Commercial, Life, and Umbrella Policies. But caring has its risks too. Philosophers note a number of similarities between care ethics and Confucian ethics, not least that both theories are often characterized as virtue ethics (Li, 1994, 2000; Lai Tao, 2000). Major Weaknesses: One can't always predict results or please everyone. DISADVANTAGES. Heavy lifting is a part of the work of the nurses. Promoting someone who has had problems and reinforcing their attempt to get past them may serve the general harmony of the entire group. Ruddick creates a feminist account of maternal care ethics that is rooted in the vulnerability, promise, and power of human bodies, and that by resisting cheery denial, can transform the symbols of motherhood into political speech. On principle, it would seem, a care ethic guides the moral agent to recognize relational interdependency, care for the self and others, cultivate the skills of attention, response, respect, and completion, and maintain just and caring relationships. McLaren posits that virtue theory provides a normative framework which care ethics lacks (McLaren, 2001). Sympathy On the flip side, a person that nobody else cared about at all would be lonely and invisible. Ethics of Care - Strengths and Weaknesses strengths: recognizes weaknesses in moral theories and emotions in moral reasoning Weaknesses: Difficult to define, contexts difficult to identify. Cutting the bribery relationship, therefore, may be necessary regardless of how important the particular client and business are for the larger whole. Strengths include: intelligence, humility, communication skills, patience, visionary approach, pragmatism, empathy, intuition and problem solving skills. Central assumptions of feminine ethics are that women are similar enough to share a common perspective, rooted in the biological capacity and expectation of motherhood, and that characteristically feminine traits include compassion, empathy, nurturance, and kindness. For similar reasons, Lijun Yuan doubts that Confucian ethics can ever be acceptable to contemporary feminists, despite its similarity to care ethics. 94). She sees the dilemma as a narrative of relations over time, involving fractured relationships that must be mended through communication. Discomfort with doing something that seems underhanded may lead the overseas representative to try a different way of keeping the contract going, one thats based less on money under the table and more on aboveboard selling points. Slote seeks to form an alliance against traditional masculine moral theories like Kantianism, utilitarianism, and social contract theory (Slote, 1998). Although a number of care ethicists explore the possible overlap between care ethics and other moral theories, the distinctiveness of the ethic is defended by some current advocates of care ethics, who contend that the focus on social power, identity, relationship, and interdependency are unique aspects of the theory (Sander-Staudt, 2006). He calls for businesses to balance caring and commodity production by making work and care more compatible, although he surmises that the goals of care need not fully subordinate economic ends such as profitability. They should aim at meeting a certain mutual goal in order to be beneficial. Their desire to open their door to help people who feel they have nowhere else to go, proves the ethical code of first do no harm and that includes mental harm., Souryal, Sam S. (2007). On this basis Nel Noddings explores the notion of ethical caring - 'a state of being in relation, characterized by receptivity, relatedness and engrossment' ( op. Engsters minimal capability theory is formed around two major premisesthat all human beings are dependent upon others to develop their basic capabilities, and that in receiving care, individuals tacitly and logically become obliged to care for others. The Realtor code helped establish professionalism and integrity for the real estate industry. Following this argument, early versions of care ethics have been faulted for failing to explore the ways in which women (and others) differ from one another, and for thereby offering a uniform picture of moral development that reinforces sex stereotypes (Tronto, 1994). This provides little discrimination according to race, class or age etc. Presumably, then, an individual who has cultivated a compassionate personality consistent with . Health care practices that are more concerned with their place in the market, for instance Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) often face greater challenges in maintaining ethical standards. Its logic is inductive, contextual, psychological, rather than deductive or mathematical. Ethics of Care: Kantianism: How is "good" Determined: An act that nurtures the connections among those closest to each other. Which market the organization intends to serve and how, as well as the envisioned direction of the entire organization ("Businessdictionary.com", 2014). Show how an ethics of care functions in a business context. But how many of us would actually do that? It humanizes ethics by centering thought on real people instead of cold rules. ), Herr, Ranjoo Seodu. It can cohere with what we actually do and think we ought to do, at least in cases like the car accident cited at this sections beginning. Act Utilitarianism Weakness. Gilligan posited that men and women often speak different languages that they think are the same, and she sought to correct the tendency to take the male perspective as the prototype for humanity in moral reasoning. Two criteria must be met for such a duty to have force: (1) the relationship with the other person must exist (or have the potential to exist), and (2) the relationship must have the potential to grow into a mutually caring relationship. Feminist care ethicists charge that a feminist care ethic is not compatible with the way Confucianism subordinates women. The Justice of caring In, Star, Daniel. Together, these boundaries obscure how care as a political concept illuminates the interdependency of human beings, and how care could stimulate democratic and pluralistic politics in the United States by extending a platform to the politically disenfranchised. Following codes of ethics makes it easier for an individual to distinguish what is right from what is wrong. This definition posits care fundamentally as a practice, but Tronto further identifies four sub-elements of care that can be understood simultaneously as stages, virtuous dispositions, or goals. In a certain sense, it corresponds with our natural instincts to act in favor of and protect those under our care and those involved in our lives. A Defense of the Distinctiveness of care ethics: A Reply to Chenyang Li., Stone, Deborah. They include: consequence-based (utilitarianism), duty-based (deontological) and character-based theory (virtue). Ruddick notes that while some mothers support violence and war, they should not because of how it threatens the goals and substance of care. Theres no way to know for sure which path will be the right one, but in every case the choice will be made in the name of preserving and nurturing the human relationships surrounding the decision. In contrast, Held, Kittay, and Tronto draft more robust overlaps between care and feminist theory, retaining yet challenging the gender-laden associations of care with language like mothering persons or dependency workers. Strengths and Weaknesses of Answer (1 of 5): It depends on whether you see consequentialism (which I'll blur together with utilitarianism*, the most popular form of consequentialism) as your single source of moral truth, as a toolkit for enacting some higher-level moral system, or In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the delivery of eye care services continues to be undermined by health systems . Because children are subject to, but defy social expectations, the powers of mothers are limited by the gaze of the others. Brothers, uncles, nieces and nephews, and a hodgepodge of others all work there. Or it may cause a break between the company offering services and the overseas client demanding a bribe. In her more recent book Starting From Home, Noddings endorsed a stronger obligation to care about distant humans, and affirms caring-about as an important motivational stage for inspiring local and global justice, but continued to hold that it is impossible to care-for all, especially distant others. Care ethics originally developed as an alternative to the moral theories of Kantian deontology and Utilitarianism consequentialism, but it is thought to have affinities with numerous other moral theories, such as African ethics, David Humes sentimentalism, Aristotelian virtue ethics, the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, Levinasian ethics, and Confucianism. As for all the rest of you, youre in your groups and in charge of yourselves. We all depend on each other as individuals. Benhabib traces this metaphor, internalized by the male ego, within the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and John Rawls, and the moral theories of Immanuel Kant and Lawrence Kohlberg. They both seek to avoid harm and personal values when assisting clients. However important the issue under investigation psychologists need to remember that they have a duty to respect the rights and dignity of research participants. It expresses a uniquely human concept - that of having emotions and being able to use them in situations. These organizations work to disseminate information, organize care advocates on key social issues, and form voting blocks. This isnt every man for himself, but it comes close to every social group for itself. Thus, even if some women identify with care ethics, it is unclear whether this is a general quality of women, whether moral development is distinctly and dualistically gendered, and whether the voice of care is the only alternative moral voice. Ethics helps professionals with their actions and practices that are directed to improve the welfare of people in an ethical way (Fremgen, 2009). On the other hand, an organization that promotes a thoughtful culture fosters decision-making based on whats best for the patients, the staff and the community as a whole (Ray, 2012)., Provision 7. In the broadest sense, they define what qualifies as right and wrong, as well as how to promote human flourishing. Which should you save? People use ethical theories every day to make decisions about right and wrong, usually without knowing the name of the ethical theory they're using. McLaren contends that virtue theory provides care ethics both with a standard of appropriateness and a normative framework: The standard of appropriateness is the meana virtue is always the mean between two extremesThe normative framework stems from the definition of virtue as that which promotes human flourishing (2001, 105). The earliest substantial account of care as a political philosophy is offered by Tronto, who identifies the traditional boundary between ethics and politics as one of three boundaries which serves to stymie the political efficacy of a womans care ethic, (the other two being the boundary between the particular and abstract/impersonal moral observer, and the boundary between public and private life) (Tronto, 1993). According to the text, The ACA & AACC codes both encourage client growth and development which fosters healthy relationships. A strict utilitariansomeone believing we should always act to bring the greatest good to the greatest numberwill go for the scientist. 22 There are prima facie duties of fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice, beneficence, self-improvement and nonmaleficence. There are a rising number of social movements organized around the concerns highlighted in care ethics. Following this tradition, the charge that care ethics is a slave morality interprets the different voice of care as emerging from patriarchal traditions characterized by rigidly enforced sexual divisions of labor. Beyond Caring: The De-Moralization of Gender in V. Held, Fry, Sara T. The Role of Caring in a Theory of Nursing Ethics., Gilligan, Carol. people are irrational and . Later, Gilligan vigorously resisted readings of her work that posit care ethics as relating to gender more than theme, and even established the harmony of care and justice ethics (1986), but she never fully abandoned her thesis of an association between women and relational ethics. ETHICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Loyalty to the patient, myself and the hospital. weaknesses: not flexible idea. The best example of this may be seen in how ethics of care differs from two . For that reason, all morality resembles the car wreck. Other authors examine the relevance of care ethics to the political issues of welfare policy, restorative justice, political agency, and global business. Virtues can conflict Ethics of Care - Strengths and Weaknesses Maureen Sander-Staudt An emphasis on equality is always present with this leadership style. The Code of ethic is now mandatory training for all members., References: NASW Code of Ethics, Ethical Leadership in Human Services: A Multi-Dimensional Approach, by Susan Schissler Manning. Loving attention helps mothers to perceive their children and themselves honestly so as to foster growth without retreating to fantasy or incurring loss of the self. We describe the role and importance of the corporations ethical values and what is the relationship between the organizations culture and ethical decision-making. Following codes of ethics will help an individual become a better person or perform at a higher level at work. Jake sees the Heinz dilemma as a math problem with people wherein the right to life trumps the right to property, such that all people would reasonably judge that Heinz ought to steal the drug. Eva Feder Kittay is another prominent care ethicist. Feminist Ethics: Problems, Projects, Prospects.. She identifies the following metaphysical attitudes, cognitive capacities, and virtues associated with mothering: preservative love (work of protection with cheerfulness and humility), fostering growth (sponsoring or nurturing a childs unfolding), and training for social acceptability (a process of socialization that requires conscience and a struggle for authenticity). Its hard, of course, to break away, but there are other potential clients out in the world and going after them may, in the final analysis, do more for the social health of the core group than clinging to a problem at all costs. Gilligan found that in adulthood women are encouraged to resolve the crises of adolescence by excluding themselves or others, that is, by being good/responsive, or by being selfish/independent. Carrie Johnson, U.S. Something similar happens within typical families. The basic question isnt about yourself; its not What should I do? Instead, its always about a larger us: What should be done to nurture the connections among those of us closest to each other?. They specifically question whether rights theory is an adequate framework for an animal defense ethic because of its rationalist roots and individualist ontology, its tendency to extend rights to animals based on human traits, its devaluing of emotion and the body, and its preference for abstract, formal, and quantifiable rules. They both find it important to maintain trust in awareness of sensitivity regarding cultural diversity. Most care ethicists make room for justice concerns and for critically scrutinizing alternatives amongst justice perspectives. Kuhse, H. Clinical Nursing: Yes to Caring, No to Female Ethics of Care., Lai Tao, Julia Po-Wah. Although care ethics is not synonymous with feminist ethics, much has been written about care ethics as a feminine and feminist ethic, in relation to motherhood, international relations, and political theory. Take a company like Oil-Dri, about which Forbes recounts. Everyone knows that theres injustice in the world, just as we all know we cant solve every problem. Because of its association with women, care ethics is often construed as a feminine ethic. What are the three major steps an ethics of care takes away from most traditional theories? According to the examination of the various methods of collecting information, it is clear that each one of them has strengths and also weaknesses. Code of ethics is a system that applies values and judgments to the practice of medicine. Care ethics and Animal Welfare.. Similar debates surround the comparison between care ethics and Confucianism. A clear content to judge ethical behavior. An adaptation of the Kantian categorical imperative can be used to ground the obligation to care in the universal necessity of care, and the inconsistency of willing a world without intent to care. Normatively, care ethics seeks to maintain relationships by contextualizing and promoting the well-being of care-givers and care-receivers in a network of social relations. Held refutes that care is best understood as a disposition such as compassion or benevolence, but defines care as more a characterization of a social relation than the description of an individual disposition.. Many women, in actuality and in myth, in both contemporary and past times, do not exhibit care. Like every business in the USA, Liberty has a Code of Business Ethics and Conduct-Guiding Principle. 4. In the end, this leaves the ethics of care, looking like ethics that only apply to people with specific . He argues that, in so doing, care ethics receives a way of treating our obligations to people we dont know, without having to supplement it with more problematic theories of justice. Bowden, Peta. Unlike some philosophies that deny the existence of right and wrong, ethics of care acknowledges their existence and seeks to determine the morality of these decisions. Quality of service as proven by work performed in previous years may offer a way to keep the business and personal link intact. Ethics of Care Theory: a relationship-based way to approach ethics as opposed to justice-based ; . As Ruddick points out, at least three distinct but overlapping meanings of care have emerged in recent decadesan ethic defined in opposition to justice, a kind of labor, and a particular relationship (1998, 4). Ethics of care seeks to determine whether actions are right or wrong. To the extent thats right, an emphasis on care seems well suited to the general practice of ethics. The medical code of ethics carry much more weight because they are dealing with peoples lives on a daily basis and one mistake could cost someone their life. Gilligan articulated these thematic perspectives through the moral reasoning of Jake and Amy, two children in Kohlbergs studies responding to the Heinz dilemma. The Curious Coincidence of Feminine and African Moralities. In, Held, Virginia. Collective Responsibility: It is possible to maintain collective responsibility within a coalition cabinet with Prime Minister as the keystone. Autonomy, Integrity, and Care, Engster, Daniel. An ethics of care in essence takes that model from the family and extends it out into the world of business. Joan Tronto is most known for exploring the intersections of care ethics, feminist theory, and political science. Overall, care continues to be an essentially contested concept, containing ambiguities that Peta Bowden, finds advantageous, revealing the complexity and diversity of the ethical possibilities of care(1997, 183). An ethics of care is frequently compared to the morality guiding a family. See all Ethics resources See all Virtue Ethics resources Related discussions on The Student Room. To the extent that care ethics encourages care without further inquiring as to who is caring for whom, and whether these relationships are just, it provides an unsatisfactory base for a fully libratory ethic. Note advantages and drawbacks to the theory. The nurse, in all professional relationships, practice with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by, Compose a 200-300 word analysis of whether or not the NASW Code of Ethics presented in Appendix C of Ethical Leadership in Human Services is adequate in guiding a social worker through your chosen dilemma., ABC recruitment firm has requested this Code of ethics and conduct due to an increasing number of internal conflicts product of the economy downturn in the property sector. Code of Ethics Strength:Francis S1- Codes inspire the members of a profession to behave ethically. Baier specially underscores trust, a basic relation between particular persons, as the fundamental concept of morality, and notes its obfuscation within theories premised on abstract and autonomous agents. If the company is Oil-Dri where everyones deeply connected, and its an old client, and a little gift of cash has always been slid under the table, then the maintenance of that networks vitality and human health becomes a powerful argument in favor of continuing the practice. Four years later after Texas Association of Real Estate Board renamed to Texas Association of Realtors. The charge of essentialism in care ethics highlights ways in which women and men are differently implicated in chains of care depending on variables of class, race, age, and more. Both ACA & AACC respect the rights of privacy of their clients (Corey, G, Corey M & Callanan, 2011, pg. The idea that that care is best understood as virtuous motives or communicative skills is endorsed by Michael Slote who equates care with a kind of motivational attitude of empathy, and by Selma Sevenhuijsen, who defines care as styles of situated moral reasoning that involves listening and responding to others on their own terms. (Slote, 2007; Sevenhuijsen, 1998, 85). The most tech competent of any generation, members of Gen Z are able to pick up new developments quicker than other employees 10. This critique issues caution against uncritically valorizing caring practices and inclinations because women who predominantly perform the work of care often do so to their own economic and political disadvantage. Hamington, Maurice and Miller, Dorothy, ed. In The Ethics of Care (2006), Held demonstrates the relevance of care ethics to political, social and global questions. Can you put each one in your own words? (2007). Most parents trot out the idea of treating all their children identicallythey all get their first car at the same age and so onbut if a sibling has special problems at one stage of their development, theyll normally get special treatment in the name of preserving the family unit. While early strains of care ethics can be detected in the writings of feminist philosophers such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Catherine and Harriet Beecher, and Charlotte Perkins, it was first most explicitly articulated by Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings in the early 1980s. Mona Harrington explores the significance of the liberal ideal of equality to care ethics by tracing how womens inequality is linked to the low social valuing and provision of care work (Harrington, 2000). As feminist ethicists, Kittay and Held like to understand care as a practice and value rather than as a virtue because it risks losing site of it as work (Held, 2006, 35). When properly crafted, a mission statement will serve as a filter of what is important and what is not. Feminist Ethics: Care as a Virtue. In, Miller, Sarah Clark. An ethics of care humanizes moral decisions, but it threatens tribalism. On these grounds she surmises that while the one-caring has a moral obligation to care for a stray cat that shows up at the door and to safely transport spiders out of the house, one is under no obligation to care for a stray rat or to become a vegetarian. 5. Utilitarianism seeks to predict the consequences of an action, which is impossible. Traditionally, ethics features questions about the competing rights of individuals. Daniel Star categorizes Confucian ethics as a virtue ethic, and distinguishes virtue ethics and care ethics as involving different biases in moral perception (2002). Likewise, sophisticated consequentialists claim that deliberators should go back-and-forth, as circumstances allow, between an 'indirect' sympathy-based deliberation and principle-based deliberation (Railton 1984; Driver 2005 on connecting this to care ethics). The culture of a health care organization, whether big or small, plays an important role in the ethical decision-making. Critics also express a concern that without a broader sense of justice, care ethics may allow for cronyism and favoritism toward ones family and friends (Friedman, 2006; Tronto, 2006). By achieving this it is hoped that international . It helps to maintain the work-life balance. Humans reach their eudaimonia by flourishing and achieving the most that they can in their life. Duties of Beneficence: "Rest on the mere fact that there are other beings in the world whose condition we can make better." 5. She further developed the idea of two distinct moral voices, and their relationship to gender in Mapping the Moral Domain: A Contribution of Womens Thinking to Psychological Theory and Education (Gilligan, Ward, and Taylor, 1988), a collection of essays that traced the predominance of the justice perspective within the fields of psychology and education, and the implications of the excluded care perspective. 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strengths and weaknesses of ethics of care