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slur urban dictionary

Sunarefa refers to a Soviet brand of cold medicine. Originated from Spanish. Typically used by schoolchildren in a derogatory manner towards Asian people. Native American/Black mix. The tricked out, custom cars Hispanic gang members often drive. See: Mulatto. Origin: "Boonga" is a native word from the Sydney area pre-1788 meaning anus. A stereo type of American Indians referencing their prevalence to excessive alcohol consumption. Remotes are black and they do things for you. Many prominent hijackings over the past 25 years were done by various Arab/Islamic fundamentalist groups. Their most common occupation in Austrian Empire. May or may not be derogatory, depending on your point of view. Japanese term for Blacks or anyone of African descent. Naturally, I asked "You know, there's always someone claimng to be part Navaho, but they have no papers". wet-backs. Refers to Indians who have forgotten their heritage. Used in the movie "Bones" for a black man's white woman. Also said, "part of the White Castle family" ('sliders'). Refers to alcoholism in Native Americans. Or a person who half black/half white. The Chinese use a harmful additive, M.S.G., in their food to enhance the flavor. Stayed behind for 500 years. Word defined as "an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person.". Usually light skinned mixed breed black and any other race. Used mainly by Blacks to refer to a really pale White person. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. The slur West used is described by Urban Dictionary as "a Black person who is anti-Black". Another interesting, Term for southerners/poor whites who used barrel hoops as belts, term similar to hillbilly and hick. Blacks called Irish Americans this during the 1800's in retaliation to being called "Nagurs". Relates the colors of a person's parents to the colors of a zebra's stripes. Used in Spain as a derogatory term for South American immigrants. "Bump" is for the sound Aboriganals make when bouncing off the 'roo bar. Pronounced "baht-see". Take a hint, already, guys! A South African term for Indians. The Spanish "Mullato" translates to "like a mule." Star Wars reference to the Tuscan Raiders, nomadic desert dwellers that no one likes. Pelu-ano means hairy ass but at the same time sound like Peruano, Peruvians in Spanish. ", Because it seems nine out of ten Portuguese guys are named "Manuel", or "Manny". Short for "Dracula" who is from a town in Transylvania which makes up a good deal of modern Romania. In the past, Catholics were forbidden from eating meat on Fridays. One foot on Africa, one foot on England and their prick dangles into the ocean. an eccentric person. It's actually the correct pronunciation of the word "Hmong", mountain-dwelling people inhabiting southeastern China and the northern parts of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. Agents call the illegals Pollos on their service radios. Used by the British Army to make fun of the rag-tag American army in the revolutionary war. Refers to the slaves who picked cotton all day at the plantations. The ones that aren't would most likely take offense. IROC Camaros are popular among east coast Italians. Not really a slur but could be if you say it the right way. Two theories: some like to think it's a corruption of "governor". Implies that New Zealanders enjoy 'jumping' sheep. Refers to a type of dog found in Northern parts. From the monster movie "C.H.U.D. A family of all blacks. Like Mammy. Was probably redefined in the days of American slavery by the slavemaster's "Crack" of the whip. Pine trees were the tree of choice to hang blacks, Blacks who act like Asians, or is very into Asian culture. Also, Germany was ruled by several emperors (Kaiser) with the name Friedrich. 2) A word used to convey dissatisfaction . Hispanics Who Are Attracted To Blacks. Term used by the Irish describing those who grew up in the a foreign country (specifically the UK) and still identify as being Irish. A person of hispanic lineage, hopefully Mexican, that is from Texas. Refers to Canadian people and the assumption that they consume lots of maple syrup. From Kunta Kinte in the book/movie "Roots. Was referenced in the news recently when some white Kiwis tried to get it changed on their census forms because it was racist - "Pakeha" translates to "White pig", a reference both to what the Maoris thought of the first English settlers, and the way the same settlers tasted when eaten - salty, like the wild pigs they also ate. Mexicans that can run, jump, or swim are already in the US. Unsure of origins, but have heard it used in Florida. Reference to pulling their turbans off their heads. Imitation Asians. Female Teenage Jews. Coined during the Civil War, referring to how White you had to be in order to serve in the army. Originally referring to the primarily coloured hobos who live on Table Mountain near Cape Town. From the well-known old Irish myth of the chubby green-clad gnome (what happens when you mix Catholicism with Paganism). A common practice of southerners was to hang blacks. Term that represents people with big "packages.". A white woman that has relations with black men. Also could mean "Working On Pavement", or refer to "guappo," (pronounced "woppo") a slang Italian (Neapolitan dialect) word meaning criminal or bully (strong person). In early America many Chinese were sent to build the railroads. A reference to the ghetto, i.e. it refers to the prominent color of more of the 54% of it's population. Usually look more European than their Japanese counterparts, i.e., more hairy and fair skinned. One who engages in the act of pig-fucking, a favorite pass time among those hailing from rural areas of America's southern states. On the U.S. census, African American is code number six on the list of ethnicities. A Jewish person that acts Jamaican or Rastafarian or is half Jamaican. Greeks use this word for Turks as many of them they usually don't take a bath for days. Pioneered by the Black/Mexican hip-hop group "Delinquent Habits". Amphetamines are popular among Hispanics. US army personnel use this as a short version of "comrade" in reference to communism. The Vietnamese term for African Americans. Reference to the Shakespearean play of the same title about a black man named Othello married to a white woman. Pure blooded Blacks having "large fish eyes, dark brown skin, and long legs like a cricket." Used to be popular with political types who were down with their "African Roots." A hispanic term for blacks meaning monkey in most dialects. Many European countries use pay-toilets, having to pay for public restrooms. Possibly from how Filipinos often travel overseas to work like migratory birds (although the seagull is not migratory). Filipino slang for Americans. New Zealand/Australian white trash or rednecks. Reference to Keebler Elf line of snack crackers. A southern exspression that represents their burnt appearence, as well as their stereotypical love of fried chicken. Derived from the movie "Scarface" which stars a cuban immigrant druglord named "Tony Montana", slur usually said with a Spanish accent. Being bottom-feeders; Mud "musk" turtles have a distinct odor and are mud-colored. Chinese for "ocean ghosts". From Pinnochio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian. Stands for Good Ol' Boy, a redneck reference. Guerilla group that fought against the Japanese in World War II. It is used when 2 Bloods meet and greet. A commentary on rich black people living like whites. Refers to lowriders. Refers to how locals in Hawaii are big/fat/dumb. A reference to teenage white girls who watch and identify with the show's main character. See Chiegro. Ararat is in "historic" Armenian, but the region currently belongs to Turkey, False acronym for the Hollywood based street gang called AP, which stands for Armenian Power, Glendale, CA has a very large Armenian community. The slur is used by any non-Cajun, Black and White alike. Simply a descriptive word used from native to native. See more words with the same meaning: homosexual, homosexual person. Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers. From the Rapper Eminem, thought of as a white person who tries to be black. The slur is also used by some Native Americans against whites: "moon" as in pale, and "cricket" as in whites have big eyes and gangly legs. Can't even speak English." Means American Born Confused Desi (pronounced day-see). Describes the offspring of two mulattos. (i.e. Used by Russians as a derogatory term for Greeks. More modernly, it could apply to any drunk Irishmen working as greenkeepers, such as on golf courses. Jones Beach (NYC) term for Blacks due to their poor swimming abilities. In reference to the cookie. There has been a sizable Greek community in southern Russia for many generations. During 2005, the imageboard 4chan experienced an increase in the usage of the derogatory slur "Wapanese". During Chinese festivals, its typical to see many people in a long dragon costume in which they bounce up and downusually in larger celebrations, Refers to the food. A stealthy abo who goes around stealing goon. For white people who kowtow to Black people or racist White People. Salmon was a primary food source for Northwestern Native Americans. Related to "Pepper". Might also be acronym of SPanish, Indian, and Colored, coming from the mixed breeds that resulted from the union of Spanish colonists, Indian natives, and Black (colored) slaves. It is an often stereotype that most people who collect unemployment are black. Originally referred to Communist sympathizers - later as a general slur against all Leftists, including Communist Party members. Non-demanding job for education-less/trade-less person. In prison, this is a widely used word for blacks. An alarming recent trend is seen in commercial music journalists, djs/vjs, etc. Ulster Scots who supported the Protestant King William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne came to be known as "Billy Boys." To be White-washed is to lose all culture after coming to the United States; also "bleached.". Also for the black-orienied weekly magazine JET. they think they have everything and are more advanced than every other country. See: Buddhahead. As slanted as P-1 is a commonly used abbreviation for traffic collision reports for Party #1, Party #1 is normally the person at fault for a collision. This describes the snow that piles up on the side of the street that turns black. Redneck term. Khao means white. Homeless aboriginals are often spotted bathing/swimming in public fountains during the summer months. From the label on the ketchup bottle reading "57 Varieties.". White New Zealanders. Means "hey," or "hey you. Aboriginal tribe name. Also: Greaser. Originally from "buta-head" meaning pig-headed since Hawaiians were stubborn compared to their mainland counterparts. Police officer admits to being one of U.K.'s worst serial . Indians are the smart ones that put the "dot" in ".com", Elephants were a popular mode of transport in Victorian and Pre-Victorian Asia. Reasons for this word: 1) it may be because the word sounds very much like the language. Need for Dominicans to always eat and have Platanos in their house. However the term Malabari is now considered a derogatory word. This word is at the forefront of Mexican slang. Note: The word "shiptar" is most likely derived from the name of the Albanian language - "Shqiptar". Used to mean "ignorant Ukranian", Based on their buildings having large onion-type roofs. the most prominent slurs center on accusations that lgbtq people and their allies are pedophiles, using the word "grooming," which the national society for the prevention of cruelty to children. (meaning 'is this right? Derivative of word 'Plebian' maning white middle class common people. Originally the name of a South European frog, although during the Napoleonic Wars it became a term used by British soldiers referring to their French enemy. Refers to the Spanish origin "Spaniard" mixed "Bean", with a commom food in many Mexican dishes. From the dot that Hindu women wear on their foreheads. Probably not a slur. Kafir is an Arabic word with meanings similar to Goy or Goyim of the Jews, only describing any non-Muslim person in a derogatory way. Init is a actual word the Sioux like to use. (Possible connection tot the ghost like appearance of the KKK). Apparently used by other United Kingdom Inhabitants. On an interesting note, the first sheep was cloned in Scotland. it is a combination of CHIleno + NEGRO (black). Some of the terms listed below (such as "gringo", "yank", etc.) -Oh my God, SLUR! - It dates back (in print) to at least 1913. Reference to the suffix "nese.". First appeared in the book "Babar the King" published in 1963 and made into a popular animated HBO show in the early 90's. Also used in the film Full Metal Jacket. Common black name/character in Antebellum South. See: Wop. Term probably comes from the briar bushes found in Appalachian states. African Rock Fish. which is the most noted of the pro Northern Irish independence terrorist groups. Some of the terms may be considered acceptable to LGBT peoples in a casual register when used among members within LGBT sexual orientated communities. Used frequently in the 1980s. Ro (Roshia) means Russia in Japanese. Could also refer to the Irish folk group "The Pogues" who did popular traditional Irish songs. Blacks are thought to love Kentucky Fried Chicken. Gyp also actually means a cheat or swindler. They used to dig foxholes and tunnels in Vietnam to kill American soldiers. The world's first artificial satellite sent into space. The word may also be spelled "kak" or any other way you like, since Thais use a different "alphabet." Facial characteristics--slanted eyes as if someone pulled back their eyes using Scotch tape around the back of their head. Cancer causes the face to become white, and the blood to drain away. The Online Slang Dictionary (American, English, and Urban slang) Login Register Forgot password Resend confirmation Dictionary home New words Random Word list Browse by letter Submit The 100 most vulgar slang words Are you 18 years of age or older? Obvious combination of "Mexican" and "excrement". The origin is that blacks are always being arrested and being hand"cuffed" by the police. Referring to a popular Muslim headdress. Comes from "Operation Wetback", a military operation devised in 1954 to stop the onslaught of illegal aliens entering the United States, primarily from Mexico. Refers to yellow skin tone of Japanese soldiers. See also: JOJ, Just Off the Jet. Puerto Ricans come from Boriquen and call themselves Boriquas. Stands for "white guy groupie" or "white girl groupie". Combination of Flip and Nigger. From the OED. Sinhala (Sri Lankan language) word for white. Indian who tries to be black, or is darker in skin. Not really derogatory. Young Urban Professional. Redneck kids who play in the ditches/streets. Cockney rhyming slang for "yank", often abreviated to "Seppo", Cockney rhyming slang. a plant, or the sky. A person who is 1/4 Black. Often used to describe a crowd of African Americans. Black children. Means "barbequed" or "grilled" in Arabic, blacks for their dark skin. Southern Italians. Due to the red dot on many Hindu's foreheads. Many Albanians seem to have a square head, Stands for American Ignorance as well as Artificial Intelligence-in other wordsAmericans are stupid and ignorant. Old-fashioned epithet, derived from the 1st 2 syllables in "Italian" with a corruption of the 2nd syllable. Full Blooded Indian. 10 mexicans lined up side by side at the border. Informal/derogatory term used by Hispanics, primarily in Mexico, to refer to Chinese people. During the period prior to the Civil War, many blacks were named after famous Romans (e.g. Popular White 80s hairstyle called a 'mullet' is similar to a gorilla: short on top and long in the back. Native American term. Chinese. Because they pick rice. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". Hebrew derivation from the word for nation (goy singular; goyim plural). Nigress is to Nigger as Tigris is to Tiger. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "big demon". Pronounced 'boo-jee'; refers to all the 7-11 workers of the world. Malabar which is a part of Kerala used to have economic ties with the MiddleEast because of the spice trade. DJ turntable scratching noise, often heard in rap music. Light skinned light haired person. Perform unlimited searches for free, forever. North American Ground Ape; Affectionately used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in Los Angeles. Cygan is becoming unacceptable in the Polish language. Combination of white and black. Also a way to mask the word Nigger, Black female basketball players (Thanks Don Imus, you racist douchebag). They look like they've been smacked in the forehead, giving a slope and a squint to their eye. Some of the people from Newfoundland are considered to be less intelligent. Whites also make annoying sounds like crickets. A typical behavior of monkeys is to throw feces. Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority. Shawnee, Native American term for "Mud person". The generally accepted derivative is from the ultimate ghinder, Mahatma Gandhi. Smash grapes with feet to make wine, hence grape smasher. Frech slur during WWI; common German consonant combination that is unpleasent sounding to French speakers. A fat native person. Not necessarily specific to Blacks. "Diego" was a common name in Italy at the time this slang was first used. From farmers or country boys walking through the cow pastures. Derived from the sound of them speaking (as heard by a dumb American). It's like rigor mortis, except you're just too lazy to move. Hillbilly. William "Bojangles" Robinson was a famous black dancer. It literally means peeled skin. When they smile, their teeth look like a zipper. noun a slurred utterance or sound. Used by some Italian-Americans to refer to new Italian immigrants because of how fast they are able to speak the old language. "Politically correct" way to insult people based solely on race. ), only date Japanese, try to be Japanese. Refference to the gum with the same name. It has been said that Cajuns are the Jews of Louisiana because of their propensity for commerce and finance. Self Explanatory. Backwoods inbred rednecks of the U.S. south are called muppetfuckers because they look like Muppets. Suggests that all Italians are in the mob, In addressing a fellow Italian, but condescending when used by non-Italians, Basically the idea of a WOP but in a more easily said slur. When the U.S. drops the bomb, they go nuts. Especially since their skin is so pale, it looks scary to others as their blue eyes stare out at them. The sheep are said to outnumber the people in both some European and Australian countries/states. From the Thai word for French (farangsayt) who were among the first to colonize Southeast Asia. Shortened from Gangster or OG (Original Gangster). Technically a term of affection but still sounds funny. Northern Irish Protestants. The Russian word for the Russian language is pronounced "pa-rooski." Example: This neighborhhod was nice until the element moved in. The idea is that they are carrying many children packed tightly inside. It's negative only if the intent of the speaker is such. Slur for an old African American man. Fucking Lazy American Shit Head. Also from a poem that starts: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief." Another explanation is that Taffy is based on an English pronuciation of the common Welsh first name, "Daffyd" (David). They always work on in the field of construction, thats were Bull "Dozer" comes into play. Eskimo was once acceptable in Canada, and still is almost anywhere else. Inuit take offence to being called Eskimos, despite the fact that they do eat raw meat. Another reference to the manual labor many of them do in the States. The following is a list of LGBT slang terms. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians--almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. Also burrito-head, burrito-brain, etc. From camels being a major form of transportation in the Middle Eastern countries. It's an Estonian surname. Similar sound to Caucasion; Implies their persuasive, scandalous actions and attitudes. Was probably originally coined in the Boer War when the British/Afrikaaneers were fighting the Zulus. Like yuppie, but refers to blacks. Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. The term "jig" is not inherently racist. Gullah language word meaning White Trash. Probably a derivation of "Baboon" or the black "Boon Bug" beetle. Possibly of Slavic origin. "Banana" and "anime." Refers to Asians, esp. Used in Gangs of New York. Used more commonly than the outdated "Gringo", Ghouls are said to be pale skinned like a dead person. Translates to "hides and hides" (from the I.N.S.). Native Mexicans. Hatians in New Orleans, practice alot of voodoo. Same As Abo, Coon, Boong, Moorindachi, Pikinini. Anglo-Americans. It is also a popular Bulgarian rap-group. The KKK is condemned by most "Confederate" organizations. Not really a slur. Because Canada is on the north side of the U.S. Border. A reference to rural Australians who hail from the area where sugar cane is grown. Abreviation of South Africa (commonly used in Britain). According to Urban Dictionary, the C slur refers to degrading the names of Asian people and their eyes. Corresponds with the letters J-E-W on a telephone. Ie. Cambodians did not trust them. Answer; Pindunbderjip or Pinned under jeep. General Hideki Tojo, Japanese Prime Minister during WW2. Via Urban Dictionary. Tuning Out Blackness Race and Nation in the History of Puerto Rican Television. From the 2002 movie "8 Mile". I looked it up in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. CBC is also a major television network in Canada. Commonly used to refer to Whites living in southern United States. Female version of Mooley. (See Schiendler's List), When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it's from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers. Refers to an Asian who rolls X-tacy, e.g. From the joke "what do you call a Black Smurf?". The word has different meaning based on where its said, but it all references Italians. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Jumping beans are popular among Mexicans. Sounds similar to "Mori", New Zealand aboriginals. Used by Jamaicans towards white Americans. Or as it's sometimes known: Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. Often, as in the movie American History X, it is used as punishment for insubordinate blacks. Old African word that refers to tribes people. - te******2188@aol.com, Play on quiet rivalry between Trinidad and Tobago. Read in National Lampoon. Some African tribes communicate by "clicking.". Typically refers to Lithuanians who have recently moved to North America, or sometimes Lithuanians still living in the old country. Also: Carpet Jockey. Rap has its own integrity, equal to that of hip-hop, as was shown in the old school (78 - 83) and Golden Age (84 - 93) years (all dates are approximations). ?" (this actually happened once) by verykoolaid August 5, 2022 Get the c slur mug. Refers mainly to Japanese. Used towards Estonians or Finnish, because of their strange language, i suppose. Character from Rocky 4, the big dumb Neanderthal, White on the outside, but bright crimson Commie Red on the inside. Refers to Hispanics who would work berry fields in California, specifically illegal immigrants, as their employer didn't have to pay them as much. Mexicans are gardeners, thus always in the yard as well. Local housing estates in Scotland are called schemes. Famously used by Republican U.S. ", Most noteworthy usage by Rev. "So black they appear purple.". They sometimes do work tractors might normally be used for. A fat black woman - inspired by the Pine Sol commercials. In addition, they also speak Arabic. Black people who are able to play an electric guitar. Meaning "Apes Obey!" White person trying to be like or associates with Chinese. A Tamil word used by the Indians to insult the Chinese. Some say their music sounds like etch-a-sketch. Means "hero" in Gaelic. And so Lil B's usage begins mutating "based" to mean "cool.". Two possible origins: the dictionary definition is "A narrow opening or slit", meaning a reference to their eyes. Common Jewish name. Italian for eggplant (technically Mulignane). See more. The name of a mixture of french fries, cheese, and gravy. Reference to the popular Bukkake fetish. It's what you call a black guy that stutters, In the South, some Blacks refer to all beverages as "Cold Drinks." Also: Raft Jockey, Raft Captain, Raft Monkey, etc. Rarely used today. Not generally seen as derogatory. The first whites seen in China were sailors. During the post-Civil War reconstruction era, businessmen from the North moved to the South with their possessions in bags made out of cheap carpets. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. German/Irish person. Vietnamese people that were relocated to America by the US government during and after the Vietnam War. White person who tries to act black. Comes from the old adage you are what you eat. I heard her say that he was retarded. Originally Hungarian American immigrants often used to include Ukrainians, Romanians immigrants from Communist block countries. Insulting Canada as being as unimportant as our neighbors to the South (Mexico). Derived from the 80's band that made the 1 hit, "And I ran". ", Malu is actually short for "Maliali" which is spelled Malayalee. Unknown origins, possibly "goo-goo," from the Tagalog language (a major language spoken in the Philippines). Short for British. White slur used by blacks. Wetbacks have to cross a river, pinebacks deal with pine trees. Black person with Chinese or "Chink" blood, Black/Asian mix; from a line by Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2.

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slur urban dictionary